
Docker network schemes

Requirements notes:

  • SPAM filters, karma system, relaying itself needs to see real source IP. Many containerised network schemes have problems with losing the real source IP due to packet manipulation. While processing on HTTP(s) ports is designed to be tolerant of not knowing the real IP and can be reverse-proxied, hiding the source IP on core mail server ports can put your mail server in an open relay state.
  • If you're using a reverse proxy and want to use free certificates from Let's Encrypt, you'll need to redirect the .well-known folder properly. If your proxy itself issues certificates for other containers, it may be sufficient to share the folder between containers via volume.
  • Inbound IP should be the same as outbound or you need to adjust SPF records
  • If you don't understand how IPv6 works, it's better not to use it at all, especially if you're using anything other than network=host mode
  1. Recommended: dedicated server for only (network=host)

    IPv4 and IPv6 fully compatible

    compatible with host's iptables firewall

    Let's encrypt certificates working by default


  2. Reverse proxy,, other web containers and network=host (when you run other HTTP services at same server)

    IPv4 and IPv6 compatible

    administration access IPs might be hidden when using dockerd userland-proxy mode

    the host's iptables firewall for port 80 and 443 might require adjust if docker is bridging in iptables mode

    Let's encrypt certificates requires "/.well-known" folder properly redirected to poste container


  3. network=bridge (dockerd userland-proxy=false)

    IPv4 compatible

    IPv6 will not work at all by default (the easiest and ugliest solution is to use IPv6 NAT, see: or

    the host's firewall will require adjusting if you want use iptables

    Let's encrypt certificates requires "/.well-known" folder properly redirected to poste container


  4. network=bridge (dockerd userland-proxy=true)

    Impossible to set up properly

    Prone to open relay

    Multiple SPAM measures will not work