Upgrade poste.io FREE instance to PRO
As with any update of Poste.io, moving to the PRO version of the mail server is a seamless experience. All data and databases are compatible and you can freely switch between PRO and FREE versions.
PRO version
$ docker stop container-name $ cp -a /data/mailserver-dir /data/mailserver-dir.backup # backup data $ docker login -u "<username>" -p "<password>" https://poste.io $ docker pull poste.io/mailserver # download new image $ docker rename container-name container-name-backup # do image backup $ docker run \ -p 25:25 \ -p 80:80 \ -p 110:110 \ -p 143:143 \ -p 443:443 \ -p 587:587 \ -p 993:993 \ -p 995:995 \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -v /data/mailserver-dir:/data \ --name container-name \ -t poste.io/mailserver
All necessary updates and changes are handled automatically at container startup.